
The ECA Foundation's various Interest and Working Groups contiuously work on developing guidance documents, Good Practice Guides and white papers, supporting the information exchange between all stakeholders in both industry and regulatory authorities. Find out more in the Guides & Documents section.

The Team

The ECA Foundation's modern structure allows to develop and include the activities of the various Interest and Working Groups and to have more flexibility to build new groups that support the needs of our ECA Academy’s members. All members of the three boards work on a voluntary basis. For more details please see our Team section.


On a regular basis the Interest and Working Groups report about their activities and their accomplishments. Thus, to learn more about what they have been working on and for other latest developments in the ECA Foundation, you may want to check the news section.

What's new?

Long-term Chairman of the European QP Association deceased

On 25 November 2024 our long-term chairmann of the European QP Association, Dr Bernd Renger, deceased. Dr Renger was one of the architects and founding member of the EQPA, chairman from 2006 until 2012 and a recognized energetic opinion leader for QPs all over Europe. The ECA Foundation and the EQPA will recognize his heritage and build on it. Please also see the ECA Foundation's tribute to Bernd Renger.

ECA Foundation establishes new European GMP Auditor Association

The ECA Foundation has established the European GMP Auditor Association. The aim of this new association is to represent the interests of GMP auditors in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. It also aims to offer GMP auditors a forum that provides standards and assistance in conducting GMP audits. Find out more.

Further Extension to ECA Foundation Executive Advisory Board

The ECA Foundation is headed by an Executive Team and supported by an Extended Board, which comprises the various ECA Interest and Working Groups' Chairpersons. Now the ECA Foundation announced that the organisation's Executive Advisory Board will be extended by Dr Andreas König who has accepted the Board's invitation to join the ECA's Executive Team with immediate effect.

Projects the ECA Interest Groups and Associations have been working on between May and Augst 2024

Please see the ECA Foundation Interest Groups' report to find out what they were working on and accomplished in the four months from May through August 2024.


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